Wednesday, January 20, 2010

An Implementation of the ExtJs TabPanel

So the first component I implemented was the ExtJs Tab Panel.

So how did I go about this?

I set my tabs up in HTML...
<div id="app_tabs">
    <div class="x-hide-display" id="current_month">
    <div class="x-hide-display" id="months">
        Months Tab
    <div class="x-hide-display" id="categories">
        <uc1:categoriestabcontent id="CategoriesTabContent1" runat="server" />
    <div class="x-hide-display" id="income">
        <uc1:incomestabcontent id="IncomesTabContent1" runat="server" />
    <div class="x-hide-display" id="history">
        Tab Content

Then I turned them into a TabPanel...
$(document).ready(function() {

 $.namespace("def", {

  InitialisePage: function() {

   var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({
    renderTo: 'app_tabs',
    activeTab: 3,
    autoShow: true,
    plain: true,
    defaults: { autoHeight: true },
    items: [
     { contentEl: 'current_month', title: 'Current Month' },
     { contentEl: 'months', title: 'Months' },
     { contentEl: 'categories', title: 'Categories' },
     { contentEl: 'income', title: 'Income' },
     { contentEl: 'history', title: 'History' }
    listeners: {
     'tabchange': function(tabpanel, tab) {
      // empty all the tabs
      // only render the appropriate tab content
      switch (tab.contentEl) {
       case 'income':
       case 'categories':

  RenderTabContent: function() {


easy! Right? But was exactly is the javascript doing?

The first line you should recognise, the second one maybe not. Thanks go to Gilberto Saraiva for putting together jQuery.Namespace. Funnily enough this namespace behaves like a namespace.

I have one function that creates the tabs and defines what happens when the user interacts with them. The creation of the tabs can be broken into two sections, firstly the configuration of the tabs and secondly listeners for user interaction.

First up: Configuration...
To get an understanding of what each config option is doing visit the ExtJs API site. However what's important to note is that the tabs are configured to utilise the HTML divs (as shown above), I then define the items (or tabs) by indicating what HTML element each tab should use and then give it a title.

Lastly Interaction...
The ExtJs framework has this concept of listeners that listen for events being fired. The list of events available to hook into is quite extensive, but in this case we're only listening to one event and that is "tabchange". When the TabPanel initialises all the tabs are inactive, but by specifying the active tab in the config options you force this event to fire, so this allows us to control exactly what happens when ever a tab is activated.

So what's happening? This is where I utilise the jQuery framework. I empty the content of each tab then depending on the tab that is selected I call the appropriate InitialiseControl method. In this way I'm ensuring that the DOM does not contain any unwanted html.

You'll notice that I'm calling the empty() method for each tab. But it's just occurred to me that I should be able to do this in one line. Something like: $("#TabContent").empty();


Mixing MixingExt JS GridPanel, JQuery and C#

Well it's been a while since I've last posted. What have I been doing? Not much to be honest, being busy at home and busy at work... oh and sleeping :)

However I finally got a comment on one of my posts, Budget App - Part 2 : Introducing WCF Into The Picture (yay!) asking for an insight into the UI. This would be have been even more exciting had I not know who the anonymous commenter was. Rob!

Anyhow, when I started this budget app I set out with the intent of using the DevExpress ASP.Net control set. However, as you can see from the image below with the trial version of the controls you get this really lovely message.

So with that in mind I set out to find a new control set to use. And here's what I found: ExJs. Why did I choose ExtJS? Firstly, I liked look of their products and secondly they have an awesome site show extensive details on their API.

Besides the ExtJs framework, I've also included the jQuery framework and since jQuery 1.4 was released I've naturally upgraded to that.

Next I'll provides some details on the set I've take and how the ExtJs framework can work with the jQuery framework.
